crafty · laxecutive functioning · Uncategorized


I was going to write every day. Snappy, so I wouldn’t procrastinate because of perfectionism issues. So, I had some ideas, every day, but didn’t get to it. Now I’m getting to it, but I don’t remember what I wanted to write about.

In the old days I probably would have beaten myself up over it. But I’m done with that. Well, some days. Most days maybe even. So, I fell off the horse, and I’m getting back up.

What went wrong? I think part of it is me being distracted. I promised my youngest I’d finish her papyrifera shawl today, so she could show her friends at school. Tomorrow the summer holidays start. So I knit, knitted, knitted some more, crocheted untill late last night, and blocked it. So I was done by midnight, right on time right?

Telephone says I’m late in picking her up from school though. So, perfectionism out of the window, this blog is okay for today.


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